Time for action – Using modulo
What just happened?
You may be asking yourself, when will this ever come in handy? Let's say you wanted to know how many bullets a player had in their gun, but you only had the gun's clip size and the player's total number of bullets to work with. A line of code like this would work:
CurrentBullets = TotalBullets % ClipSize;
Instead of having to do any complicated math to figure it out you would be able to use modulo to save some headaches.
Comparing one variable to another is one of the essential tools of any programming language, and UnrealScript is no different. Comparisons give you a boolean true or false. If we wanted to know if two variables were the same, we would use a double equal sign.
Variable1 == Variable2
Why a double equal sign? What does it mean? Well, UnrealScript needs a way to assign variables as well as compare them. Using a single equal sign denotes assignment, like this:
Variable1 = 5;
We need a different operator for comparison, so UnrealScript uses the double equal sign. Let's write some example code.