1Prospects for a soft landing of the world economy remain in sight. On the international financial markets, volatility and interest rates have come down after turbulence earlier this year, as oil prices have receded from earlier highs. These conditions may moderate the anticipated cyclical slowdown in the world economy led by an anticipated US slowdown. While prospects for a soft landing remain good, risks of a sharper correction also remain. The world economy benefits from recent vigor in Europe and Asia, where growth appears to have become less export-dependent and more led by domestic demand. However, Europe, Japan, and the rest of the world including China will be affected by the slowdown in the US that seems increasingly in the making, and it remains to be seen how vigorous the world economy can grow without the US as an engine. An orderly soft landing in the US would mean lower inflation and interest rates in the US, and thus be good for financial stability around the world. However, there are several global risks. On the economic front, disorderly adjustment of the still large “global imbalances”-large current account deficits in some countries,including the US,and large surpluses,including China and oil producer countries—remains a key risk. Other risk factors include a sharper-than-expected slowdown in the US. Additional risks stems from the possible escalation of several geo-political conflicts. Materialization of these risks may lead to financial turmoil and exchange rate volatility, tighter monetary conditions and higher world interest rates, and lower global growth.
2The rapid growth of intra-East Asian trade over the last decade naturally raises the question how far such trade may protect East Asia from a downturn in exports to the US or other extra-regional markets. The first point to note is that it is East Asian economies other than China that have experienced the fastest growth in intra-regional exports, principally to China. China, on the other hand, has become the East Asian economy with the highest orientation to the US market, while its intra-Asian exports have remained steady at around 16 percent. The rising export-orientation of other East Asian economies towards China mainly reflects a changing regional division of labor over the last decade, with the emergence of China as a central assembler and exporter of finished manufactures to global markets outside Asia, and of other East Asian economies as suppliers of specialized capital goods, parts, component and other intermediates to China. China’s demand for these inputs from the rest of East Asia is therefore driven to a large extent by demand for its exports to the major developed economy markets outside emerging East Asia. Something like two thirds of intra-Asian trade gets incorporated into exports shipped to extra-regional markets. As a result the growth on intra-Asian trade tends to be highly correlated with that of extra-regional trade. A rough calculation suggests that net of such intermediates trade East Asian intra-regional trade amounts to some 14 percent of the total, with Japan, the US and Europe respectively comprising 14, 25 and 22 percent of East Asian exports. A generalized decline in extra-regional markets would certainly have a strong impact on East Asian exports.