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Packt Upsell
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Unleashing React Applications with MERN
MERN stack
Relevance of MERN
Consistency across the technology stack
Less time to learn develop deploy and extend
Widely adopted in the industry
Community support and growth
Range of MERN applications
MERN applications developed in this book
Social media platform
Online marketplace
Media streaming application
VR game for the web
Book structure
Getting started with MERN
Building MERN from the ground up – a skeleton application
Developing basic web applications with MERN
Advancing to complex MERN applications
Going forward with MERN
Getting the most out of this book
Preparing the Development Environment
Selecting development tools
Workspace options
Local and cloud development
IDE or text editors
Chrome Developer Tools
Remote Git hosting services
Setting up MERN stack technologies
Running the mongo shell
Upgrading npm versions
Node version management with nvm
npm modules for MERN
Key modules
devDependency modules
Checking your development setup
Initializing package.json and installing npm modules
Configuring Babel Webpack and Nodemon
Client-side Webpack configuration for development
Server-side Webpack configuration
Client-side Webpack configuration for production
Frontend views with React
Server with Express and Node
Express app
Bundle React app during development
Serving static files from the dist folder
Rendering templates at the root
Connecting the server to MongoDB
npm run scripts
Developing and debugging in real time
Building a Backend with MongoDB Express and Node
Skeleton application overview
Feature breakdown
Focus of this chapter – the backend
User model
API endpoints for user CRUD
Auth with JSON Web Tokens
How JWT works
Implementing the skeleton backend
Folder and file structure
Setting up the project
Initializing package.json
Development dependencies
Config variables
Running scripts
Preparing the server